Saturday, October 29, 2016

How Sam and Mattie Made A Movie

Watch the clip, this is awesome.  I heard about Sam and Mattie on the CBS news last night.

Many years ago, Sam and Mattie, who both have Downs Syndrome, met at the Special Olympics.  They became best friends, hanging out with each other continually over the years.  A while back, one of their brothers saw them acting out mock fight scenes in the backyard.  He figured it was a phase the guys were going through.  But after a while, he noticed they kept acting out the same scenes over and over.  He asked them about it.  It turned out that they had written and entire script for a zombie movie, and were acting it out. 

So, with a little help, Sam and Mattie did a Kickstarter campaign, raised $70,000 and actually made their zombie movie, called Spring Break Zombie Massacre.  It'll be coming out soon. 

So... after seeing Sam and Mattie on Conan, tell me again what your excuse is for not trying to do something awesome.

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